When we create the initial “Blueprint” to help guide Mayors and City Officials toward a smarter city, we tap the vast resources of our prior experience and relationships across companies that provide advanced technology.
Here are some examples of the companies and resources that have specific expertise relative to Areas of Focus for SMART CITIES NOW:
Clean Indoor Air: To help prevent infection from Covid-19 and/or other viruses, install advanced disinfection technologies in as many schools and buildings as possible. Consider disinfection through ultraviolet light and/or bipolar ionization in areas such as Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) ductwork. The in-duct systems help prevent viruses from spreading from one room to many others.
Multiple solutions to reduce the spread of infection
Sample project highlights from acquisition of Purge Virus: https://togo.hotelbusiness.com/article/disinfect-indoor-air-with-uv-light-bipolar-ionization/
Buildings – Smart Upgrades: Promote the construction of energy-efficient, eco-friendly buildings with intelligent HVAC systems, lighting, and water management. These buildings can adjust to occupancy and environmental conditions for maximum efficiency.
Advanced algorithmic solutions for HVAC optimization
Case Studies: https://www.oem.us.com/case-studies
Over 40,000 energy saving units installed
Buildings – Adaptive Reuse: Many cities have vacant or partially vacant commercial buildings as well as some municipal or education facilities. Explore the most relevant and cost-effective means to adapt and reuse the buildings. As an example, some office buildings can be converted into residential apartments, while others may be well suited for indoor agriculture.
Re-zoning for multi-use and subsequent revitalization
Buildings – Affordable Housing: Use the latest technologies to reduce construction cost, while simultaneously reducing the environmental footprint. As an example, steel construction studs vs word studs reduce the need to cut down trees, and new local micro-manufacturing enables the production of steel studs on job sites, which reduces the cost and transportation CO2 emissions. Steel studs manufactured on-site also have the ability to reduce the cost for all construction beyond affordable housing.
State-of-the art sustainable construction
Agriculture and Food Supply: Promote urban farming and precision indoor controlled environment agriculture (CEA) to increase food production locally. Smart supply chain management can ensure food security and reduce transportation emissions. Locally grown vegetables reduce cost and reduce nutrient loss, which often occurs when plants are brought in via long haul transportation. Locally grown food can also help supply food deserts, that are in many underserved communities in cities.
World-class speakers, presentations, and content on next-generation agriculture
Sustainable Energy: Invest in renewable energy sources like solar and wind power to reduce the city’s carbon footprint. Implement smart grids to manage energy distribution and consumption efficiently.
SRC Global sample clients: https://srcglobal.com/src-global-incs-clients/
Waste Management: Optimize waste collection and recycling processes using sensors and data analytics. This minimizes waste, reduces costs, and lessens the environmental impact. Incorporate the latest Biowaste treatment with Hydrothermal Carbonization for next generation energy production (waste to food) as well as output of construction materials, such as hydrochar sand for concrete. Encourage grocery stores and restaurants to engage with digital Apps that connect almost expired food to citizens, before it ends up in a dumpster and subsequent landfill. Examples: Flash Food and Too Good To Go.
Hydrothermal Carbonization project in Phoenixville, PA: https://pxvneo.com/
Smart Schools: Upgrade teaching tools with advanced interactive media smart boards
Pittsburgh, PA based, founded in 1996, and serving over 200 school districts
Pittsburgh, PA based, founded in 1996, and serving over 200 school districts
STEM Education: Enhance the curriculums for students and adults across the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) landscape. STEM may be the future of employment in the U.S. and around the world, especially when integrated and enhanced with Artificial Intelligence.
Pennsylvania registered nonprofit 501(c)(3)
Smart Job Training and Employment: Develop curriculum for adults, so that they will have a high likelihood of securing employment, with a living wage. Many of the tactics included here have the need for new team members that are well trained.
Next-generation food and advanced agriculture technology